

If you ever want to chip in to help me get a new toy or something, send me a PM about it. I do have extended cuts with a few minutes of extra stuff you can get for donating. Any help is always appreciated.

Nothing too interesting about me. Just a 23 year old dragon that enjoys videogames, the company of my friends, and of course having fun with toys. Doesn't get much more interesting than that. I tend to keep to myself so may not respond to every comment but I will do what I can to read all of them. Feel free to PM me though if you want to try and chat.

About My Vids : I find it fun to make vids as I enjoy people enjoying them. I'll try to make them when I can when time allows for it. Time can be hard to easily come by sometimes.

I don't make much noise during my vids as I'm quiet by nature so I may cut audio if need be as you won't really be missing anything.

I have also never had much of an interest in wearing anything while having fun. Sadly not into dresses or panties and whatnot.

When I can I like to keep myself somewhat clean shaven. I don't mind having a little bit of hair on myself. I shave more or less anything around my crotch besides the main patch I keep.

Toys I Have : Medium Duke, his ass, Large Kelvin, Large Chance, Medium Bruiser, Medium Nox (Thanks to a friend), Large Crash, Large Rex, Large Roland, and a human from SexFlesh named Tony.

BD Toys That'd Be Interesting To Have Someday : Flint, Rowan, Nova, Spritz, The Guardian, David, Anthro Dragon, Nocturne, Perry, Snowball, Nocturne, Echo, Tyson, Austin. Not sure about the sizes of all of them really.

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