<p>After the other video of me fitting the sleeve on, I went ahead and wrapped up.</p>
<p>I had a feeling from the front edge of it, that it'd scrunch up and it even tried to with the condom over it, without it, I don't think I'd have been able to push into her as it'd just squish, I like the roundness of it so it doesn't roll up or dig into you, but if it's not tapered out to a thinner point under your head, any tight asses or toys you push at won't work that well without putting a condom on first.</p>
<p>It DID dull the sensation around the base where the knot is thicker, but still would orgasm from my head being fully exposed, and I imagine with a longer session pacing yourself, the whole thing sliding a little back and forth over your skin and swishing inward with grip pressure, you'd still have a great time and cum.</p>
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